5 Writing Redundancies to Remove

1. Phrases with words that have similar definitions, such as “join together,” “free gift,” and “close proximity” — only one word is necessary.

2. “Legalisms”: “aid and abet,” “cease and desist”

3. Words that have already been defined: “ATM machine” (ATM = Automated Teller Machine”); “please RSVP” (RSVP is French for “répondez, s’il vous plaît,” or “please reply”).

4. Phrases that repeat the quality already stated: “oval in shape,” “larger in size,” “shorter in duration,” “a period of one week,” “blue in color,” “6 am in the morning.”

5. Words added to actions that are already implied.

Example: “She nodded her head.”
Revised: “She nodded.”


“Redundancy is one of the carnal sins of writers.” ~ Sandy Tritt, Say It Once, Say It Right

“The first rule of Tautology Club is the first rule of Tautology Club.” ~ Seanan McGuire, Ashes of Honor

Comments? Suggestions? Need help? Feel free to contact me.

Michelle Troutman