About You (and Freelance Writer Michelle Troutman)

Does your website or Facebook page say whether you charge for advice? Do you reveal why you’re in business, who your clients are, and why? If you don’t, you may attract clients who disrespect you and your work.

Speaking to your audience in concrete terms can sort the serious buyers from the tire-kickers. The details you provide may click with clients who will value you and your expertise. Because we tend to attract what we reflect.

About Michelle

I know because I’ve been there. When I started Classy Writing over ten years ago, I marketed to every business. Many of the small business owners I spoke with had limited budgets and often wrote their own copy.

Freelance writer Michelle Troutman.

My marketing content also didn’t explain my services clearly enough.

After little headway, I “niched down” to focus on my successes with service providers (law firms, insurance companies, and healthcare organizations). I surveyed this market to better understand their writing problems.

I then finetuned my messaging and offered clearer solutions. As a fellow service provider, I empathized with their problems. Many of the firms’ owners or their marketing directors also respected custom business writing.

But sometimes I still attracted the wrong clients.

That’s mainly because I didn’t explain my values and how I work. My copy also wasn’t convincing enough to get more requests.

Now I infuse my copy with respect for my clients to sharpen their images and reach the right ones. By retargeting my offerings, I’m attracting more customers who share my values.

I strive to create content that respects customers and shows empathy for their problems. I also aim to persuade clients who will value you and your work to contact you to resolve them.



Berman & Simmons logo.
Atlantic Corp. logo.
The Highlands retirement community logo.
Winthrop Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce logo.

Will I have the honor of helping you boost your image to attract better clients?

Read more about you (below) and whether we share similar values.

More About You

  • You care about your image and take pride in how others see your organization. You know what the passive voice is and how it and other businessese weaken your writing.
  • You see hiring a writer as an investment that yields returns beyond one project.
  • You want to solve your writing problems and you’re confident I can resolve them.
  • You insist on trust, fairness, mutual respect, and honesty. You believe in the “golden rule”: you treat others as you want to be treated. You consider your writer a partner in your work — not a commodity.
  • You empathize with your customers and contractors.
  • You know what you’re good at and what you’re not good at. You know what you want and if you don’t know something, you admit it.
  • You like to communicate. You don’t believe in ghosting. If a problem arises, you’re willing to discuss it and work to resolve it as quickly and professionally as possible.
  • You respond within two business days.
  • You understand and respect my creative process and don’t worry about paying a flat fee for it, which offers you more value so you won’t go over budget.
  • You don’t need the copy yesterday.
  • You provide detailed briefs.
  • You let me do my job within my schedule (Monday through Friday within business hours).
  • You’re open to working under agreements — beyond NDAs — even for “test” projects.
  • You’ve worked with a creative professional before.

This applies to everyone, by the way, including marketing agencies. 🙂

Sound good? If so, learn more about working with me.

If you don’t possess some or all of the above attributes, you might reconsider working with me. That’s fair, because no one can serve every client. But if we’re a good fit, I’d be happy to help you sharpen your image to gain the right customers.

Michelle is efficient, professional, and her work is timely and accurate. She is a joy to work with and is always quick to address any problems or concerns.

Barbara Walsh, Former Executive Director, The Winthrop Lakes Region Chamber of CommERCE

Sharpen your image and your content to win ideal clients