Insurance Copywriter – Gain Ideal Leads With Clearer Content

Does your content reflect your expertise? Are you working with clients who value you and your experience?

An insurance copywriter can create copy that informs leads and highlights your skills to help you draw the right ones–those who will value and respect you and your work.


About Insurance Copywriter Michelle Troutman and Her Lead-Generating Copy

As a staff writer for insurance websites, I learned a lot about different coverage options and state laws that affect them. And I simplified the many options to demystify the purchase process.

I’m HubSpot-certified in SEO, email, inbound, and content marketing. I also have SEO experience to optimize your site with targeted keywords while I follow marketing best practices.

Insurance copywriter Michelle Troutman smiling.

Four Core Writing Services

Content strategy icon.
Editing and proofreading icon.
Lead-generating content by an insurance copywriter.
Training by an insurance copywriter.

Writing about insurance involves an eye for detail and knowledge of the problems people with and without coverage face. An experienced insurance copywriter may also spotlight the strengths of your products and services.

They can show your personality and express your beliefs in a way that connects with your leads. If you don’t offer this information or can’t convey it clearly, prospects can see you as just another agent. For instance, AI-generated copy is as generic as an umbrella, a universal symbol for coverage that can apply to any agency.

Insurance is a crowded field. Beyond price, prospects may wonder why they should work with you. Sharpening your image — defining what sets you and your agency apart — helps separate the serious buyers from the “tire-kickers.” You become a person rather than a faceless brand. Clear copy can win leads who will turn to YOU instead of another agent for advice.

Eager buyers like to work with people they know, like, and trust. When you become an advisor they respect, they’re less likely to shop around and more inclined to stay loyal to your firm.