Strengthen Your Business Image to Win Better Clients

Psychologist Daniel Kahneman calls this “fast” thinking. When we reason, we use the slower, time-consuming part of the thought process. We don’t always rely on it for first impressions. So, we often buy based on emotion, not reason.

Your brand identity — your values and personality — influences those feelings.

For example, we tend to judge companies based on whether their values align with ours. We like people like us. A Harvard Business Review study found that six out of every ten customers bond with brands over shared values.

What do the brands you buy or work with show you about who they are–and who you are? Do the clients you attract match your brand identity?

How Your Writing Affects the Type of Customers You Attract

Another major part of your image is the quality of your writing. Research reveals that people avoid or spend less time viewing ads and web pages with typos.

Customers may disrespect you and your work if your words:

  • are misspelled
  • don’t express your values
  • aren’t convincing
  • don’t show what sets your business apart

You might also engage tough customers when you use copy artificial intelligence (AI) writes “as-is.” AI hasn’t suffered from depression, needed start-up funds, or settled an agreement. It lacks firsthand knowledge and empathy to convey the right tone to persuade customers to buy. That requires a human touch, rooted in personal experiences and human behavior.

Sloppy copy fails to reach the right readers. We attract what we reflect.

The Solution for Reaching Better Clients

To boost your brand, you often must rewrite your website or other marketing content. Clear and correct copy that expresses your values may attract clients who prize your expertise.

About Michelle and How Classy Writing Enhances Your Brand Identity

I create content that connects with respect for customers.

With 16+ years of writing experience and behavioral knowledge, Classy Writing strengthens your brand identity to draw ideal clients. I work with businesses that serve others, such as law firms, insurance agencies, and healthcare organizations.

I tend to practice what I preach. Before you contact me, do you know if we share similar values? Consider how you feel about working with me.

If we’re a good fit, I promise you’ll be satisfied with my quality custom content that follows marketing best practices.

Michelle Troutman smiling, projecting a positive business image.


LawFuel logo - brand identity.
LawFuel logo - brand identity.
Mailmodo logo - brand identity.
XL Legal podcast logo - brand identity.


Berman & Simmons logo.
Atlantic Corp. logo.
The Highlands retirement community logo.
Winthrop Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce logo.

Four Core Business Image-Building Writing Services

Content strategy icon.
Editing and proofreading by an insurance copywriter.
Lead-generating content - part of Michelle's freelance ghostwriting services.
Training - another of Michelle's freelance ghostwriting services.
barbara walsh, former executive director, the winthrop lakes region chamber of commerce